  • 충청타임즈 기자
  • 승인 2006.09.05 10:24
  • 댓글 0
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To true victory!
청주 교동초 5학년 KIMSOHEE

A few days ago, korea played with Switzerland. Our cheering fan and their cheering fan both weared red clothes. So Germanic a stadium is more fanciful than other place. Swiss manager says un-affectedly. "Korea is very strong. So if we draw in game, It's just good." But we lose. Because Argentine chief umpire was really unfair. Perhaps he did it from unfair trade. To my thinking he receive money from FIFA's chair man. I heard it through the grapevine, FIFA's chair man is from Switzerland. Other umpire hang a flag that offside position. Switzerland team Frei is standing in offside. Lastly we fall into their trap. This game is not a proud record for our country. But but but four years ago we carry through an undertaking and get good grade! Next game we will moving forward. To true victory!

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